How much life insurance do I need?

Do I need a medical exam to qualify?

Do my spouse and children need life insurance?

Can my policy be cancelled or premiums be raised?

What's the difference between the various types of policies?

These are important questions when purchasing life insurance. The death benefit protection offered by a life insurance policy can be a key component of a sound financial plan. It can offer income protection to maintain your loved ones' standard of living or estate liquidity to protect assets from the effects of taxes.

Your loved ones can be burdened by a number of factors in the event of loss of life, including mortgage and other loans, child care and education. Without proper life insurance coverage, a major change in lifestyle may be required to meet expenses.

If you recognize the need for life insurance but have been delaying the purchase, consider the costs associated with waiting.

  • No one knows when the unexpected can occur. While unexpected loss isn't part of anyone's personal plans, it should always be considered in our financial plans.
  • The younger and healthier you are, the better your rates will be.
  • With permanent life insurance, account values have greater potential to accumulate over the long-term, which can result in the ability to take loans or withdrawals¹, if necessary, and possibly even skip premium payments. Time is on your side.

If you already have life insurance coverage, are you sure you are properly covered? Our lives are constantly changing, and each change can affect our financial situation and needs. Annual policy reviews should be part of any life insurance strategy.

Let the staff of The Michael Gasses Agency guide you through the complex task of determining the right life insurance plan for you and your family.